Training & Coaching 

Applied Management Training

The training is effective, pragmatic and based on experience, easy to understand, with a high practical value and immediate use.

The training can be tailored to the needs and done in modules of about 1-2 hours per module. 

The modules can be selected individually.


Training Modules

1. Communicating clearly
2. Time Management
3. Organisation & Preparation
4. Project Management
5. Decision Making
6. Motivating Yourself & Teams
7. Stress Resilience


8. Leading Teams & Companies

9. Targets & Feedback
10. Delegation
11. Managing Meetings
12. Negotiating Successfully
13. Managing (digital) Change
14. Memory Techniques

It is most effective in the aspects of

Managing Yourself

Managing Others
Managing Teams
Managing Situations
Managing Change

Managing Generation Y

• Managing ONLINE